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Beyond the Lone Islands

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Just playing around a bit with some photos from last summer...
Feeling in need of some colour as contrast to the frozen white world outside!


Jeannette StG said...

such bold colors, Monika! Beautiful:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and you certainly found bright colors! lovely. i like the way you put your photos together in a collage. very cheerful look today

California Girl said...

These are terrific photos. Do you have the extra large dahlias they call "dinner plate dahlias"? As you can imagine, the flowers are as large as a...

DawnTreader said...

C-Girl, I don't think I've ever seen dahlias quite the size of dinner plates. Perhaps not suitable for our climate! ;) Anyway, these were more like saucer-size, I think. I took the photos in a park in September.

Rose-Anne said...

I love these. I also love taking photos of flowers.
What programme did you use to make this collage of flowers? I would like to do more of these and don't know how.Thanks

rae said...

Wow; those colors are amazing.

DawnTreader said...

Thank you all.

Rose-Anne, I use Google's Picasa 3. It has its limitations. The programme arranges the pictures for you. Your own choices are limited to size and layout and the option to ask the programme to juggle the pics about if you're not satisfied. But it also matters what size pictures you use to begin with and how many, so there's a lot you can experiment with anyway.

For this one I used the "CD size" format, which I find works well for this blog-layout. There are probably other programmes which allow more of your own choices in putting collages together but I haven't (yet) had the energy to investigate.

I use Picasa anyway for quick editing before transferring photos to the web album for use on the blogs.

Rose-Anne said...

Thanks Monica or this. i will have to experiment with it.

Don said...

Some colors seem surreal. Eye-candy for sure!


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