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Beyond the Lone Islands

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Game Over?

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A walk in the rain on Sunday gave a feeling of “game over”. The days of summer are behind us. Whether we like it or not, we have stepped over the border into early autumn.


Usually September is a time of the year that I like. This year, however… I’m somehow getting the feeling that autumn won’t be a sparkling show of colour, but rather one of those that just sort of fade into brown…  





… Or is it all in my own mind?

What’s autumn to you, what does it make you think of?

Here’s an autumn joke that I came across while in quest of more serious quotes. In spite of being set on gloomy mood, I couldn’t help laughing…

“Fall is my favourite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change colour and fall from the trees.”
~David Letterman~


Ginny Hartzler said...

The pink court is very pretty with the really green grass around the edge. Fall will not turn into brown unless you let it! Let it be your quest to seek out and snap the most beautiful and colorful things you can find to show us. Stun us, amaze us and amuse us, lift us up with your wonderful talent and humor. Do not let your world turn brown, Monica, we need you!! And as long as people need you, your world is beautiful.

Graham Edwards said...

You really have got into an autumnal mindset haven't you. Here in France the autumn days are still bright and warm (once the sun gets hold of the day) and it really is a season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.

DawnTreader said...

Ah, how difficult it is to communicate the spirit of a really wet and gray Swedish autumn day to places where the sun is still shining... ;)

Scriptor Senex said...

It's been raining non-stop since Friday (it's now Tuesday) but everywhere is still green so I can't predict whether we'll have a colourful one or not yet. I guess the not knowing is half the fun.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

our fall looks just like the summer, we don't have one. but we do have trees that bloom in the fall, and others that bloom in the summer, so we do get color from them. no pretty orange leaves here.
i love, love love the two fence photos. the one with the purplish leaves is my favorite foto of today. and ditto what ginny said

Don said...

Letterman is a NY based showman, hence the LA bashing. One year I was in the Boston area for the fall. I was surprised to see them taking the tennis nets down in early October. In LA, the nets stay up year round. And the birds are just fine. ;-)


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