This blog goes on under a different name and new web address from January 2011. Please follow me...

Beyond the Lone Islands

Friday, 9 July 2010

My Brother The Musician

trumpet picture

TADADADA… Blowing a soundless fanfare here to present the news that my brother has just recently joined the blog world.

His blog Cutting Edge Easy Listening is not of the silent kind, though, because it is about music. His own music. With soundtracks!

His instrument? Synthesizers… software synthesizers... whatever they are called, it means that he can sound more or less like a whole orchestra all by himself. A world of intricate mysteries that I have never been able to fully comprehend all the details of!

If you’re curious, and if you remember what it was like to be a new blogger eagerly waiting to see if you would manage to make contact with anyone at all in this strange new world  - pop over for a visit!

My brother is far more musical than I am. I don’t write music. I don’t really even play an instrument. I did struggle for three years with the piano about 45 years ago (age 10-12) but then I quit and never tried to take it up again. In my early 20s I bought a guitar and learned a few chords but I never got very good at that either. I still have the guitar hanging on my wall, though. It looks very nice there! But it’s been a very long time since I last touched it except with the feather duster… 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

good morning, but it may be good afternoon over there, i will pop on over and visit your brother and keep you posted. it is hard getting started. hope he is as talented as you at bloggin

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't find comments on your brothers blog. tell him I like Iron Artery a lot. he is very talented.

pethu said...

Hi, it's me... Comments should be available on my blog now. (At least until the spammers arrive...)

Just a simple case of me faffing around with the blog settings and not really checking thoroughly what effect it had. Sorry 'bout that, and see you later!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all kinds of music. I will pop on over and see him. Yipes, I see Sandra wasn't able to comment. Maybe you can help him with that. I will visit and report back to you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your brother's comment thing has been fixed, and I left him a comment and signed on as a follower. He is very talented and I like his music.


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