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Beyond the Lone Islands

Saturday, 31 July 2010

Food For Thought

2010 07 31 food

Even when not sitting at the computer, I often find myself thinking of my friends in the Blog World.

Today around noon I went for a walk into town, and “for once” (it does not happen very often) I decided to just buy a hamburger and fries for lunch and eat them on a park bench.

While drinking the diet coke, I found myself inevitably thinking of Rae in Texas.

Then I decided to get some ice cream on top of that. After all, who knows how many sunny summer days we have left? This led my thoughts to Jeannette in California. (The flavours in that cone, Jeannette, are chocolate and vanilla/kiwi!)

Later in the afternoon, at home, I ate a yellow kiwifruit. (I know it looks green in the picture but it is supposed to be yellow!) It made me think of GB, who has been having a rather rainy Hebridean summer, but will get another chance of a sunny one later in New Zealand…


ANNA-LYS said...

That's sweet in several dimensions ;-)

Heather said...

I do the same thing all of the time...thinking of you and so many of my blog family ♥

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is really neat, and such good pictures of the food! I guess it just shows how much our blog friends affect us even when we've never met them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had no idea you had McDonalds over there. nothing like a burger, and I love kiwi fruit and OF COURSE I love ice cream. you can tell that fact by looking at me. ha ha

Mersad said...

Sounds like a great afternoon to me!

rae said...

Yummm! Diet Coke! I'm glad my name and the act of drinking DC have become synonymous.

Graham Edwards said...

I've been gardening today and as I did I was thinking of the blogs I haven't read over the last few days and I remembererd this posting and thought to myself how true your words are. I now think of my blogland family as though they are people I know in the flesh. Today as I worked so many poppesd into my mind and I decided to return to this post and tell you that. You, of course, were one of them.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks GB, and ooops sorry I didn't notice I had a comment waiting for moderation until just now.


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