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Beyond the Lone Islands

Wednesday, 28 April 2010



(Origin of the picture unknown.)

Yesterday afternoon I suddenly found myself without internet access.  Luckily it had been working just fine in the morning. I was able to complete and send off the income tax return forms and bank payments I'd been working with. Then I turned the computer off at lunch time. When I turned in on again later there was no connection. Waited a while to see if it would just come back. It didn't. So then I spent some futile energy on checking everything one should check before calling the service guys. You know -  shutting things off, unplugging, checking wires, restarting, looking for the manuals and all the numbers they might want... Then it was too late to make the phone call!   

Not sure whether 'funny' or 'scary' is the best word for how lost it suddenly made me feel, to find myself unexpectedly disconnected like that from "the rest of the world" - not knowing what was wrong, how long it might last, or how to fix it.

Still disconnected this morning. Had breakfast, then called the cable company. They informed me there was an external fault somewhere, nothing to do with my modem. They had been working on it since yesterday.  When I got off the phone and back to the computer... I found myself connected again!

Somewhere inside though, I have a sort of weird feeling that I might still need some shutting off and unplugging and recharging... Finding it very hard these days to get back to where I was, when something happens to disturb my concentration.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

where did you find MY picture? that cartoon is what i looked like when i went for 2 days with no computer and 2 trying to get it back to working like normal. talk about disconnected, i was totally lost without the computer. I have been thinking that is not a good thing for me and i need to back off, each day i think i will and each day here i am clciking away.
glad you are back, i love your posts

Ginny Hartzler said...

It's a bad feeling to be disconnected. I had that problem a couple days ago, just for the evening. I think I'd rather go without T.V. than the computer. I bet you were so glad to hear the fault was at their end!

rae said...

I feel the same way! It's actually more of a relief to me when ALL of the power goes out at once, then at least I'm not waiting around for ONLY the internet.

young-eclectic-encounters said...

great picture- it describes perfectly my feelings when my computer or my camera goes down. Right now I am lost without my camera as it is being fixed. Isn't it amazing how quickly we get attached to new ideas and ways of living and how much we miss them when they are not available to us.


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