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Beyond the Lone Islands

Monday, 8 November 2010

The Magic Number 9999


This is the 9999th photo taken with my Nikon Coolpix 4600. It happened yesterday morning, while waiting for the bus to take me out of town for a visit to The House. (See yesterday’s post.)

I had no idea what number the camera was on until I transferred the photos to the computer and noticed that the count had started over from 0001 again.

I bought the camera at the end of April, 2006. Below is the second picture I took with it. Spring flowers on my balcony (different place from where I live now)


Over the next three years, I took on average 400 photos per year. But from July 2009 (six months after I started blogging) my use of the camera took a sudden “jump”, and since then I’ve been taking on average 550 photos per month. In spite of not having travelled anywhere.

No wonder that since then I’ve found it hard to catch up with my own filing and sorting of the photos taken (and all the edited copies and collages on top)…

Below is the new # 0002, taken as I got off the bus out in the countryside. I shall have to explain its message to my English-speaking followers, though: The name on this sign is “Intet”, which means “Nowhere” or “Nothing”. It’s kind of fun getting off the bus here, just to be able to say that one did…



MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i am curious how many mine is, will have to checfk it. your nikon takes fantastic photos, mine is a lemon and does not. fantastic photo first and 9999. keep clickin we love it. congrats on all those pics

DawnTreader said...

"a lemon"???

Ginny Hartzler said...

That sign actually tells you that you're nowhere? How funny! And is it in the middle of nowhere? Or is it a joke? I love your pretty crocus. I take even more pictures, hundreds in a week. I didn't know there's a place that tells you how many you've taken! I have a Coolpix, as well. Dos it show up on the computer when you load them? Well, mine has probably started back at the beginning again a few times by now anyway!

DawnTreader said...

It is sort of in the middle of nowhere, yes. Not completely desolate, though - there are a few houses within sight. It is also close to an old stone bridge, so there must have been a road there for quite some time. I don't know the story behind the name. But just a couple of stops away there is another place called Paradise!

The camera keeps count of the photos and on my computer they show up as DSCN0001 etc. I think there are options on the computer though, whether to keep the original numbers from the camera or not when you load the photos.

GB said...

I've heard of Paradise used as a name but never 'Nowhere'. Great fun again.


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