NPT encouragingly gave me this Over-The-Top award
for my photo blog
Of course it came with Stipulations (rules). My general view on Stipulations was recently presented in a very long blogpost in connection with the Honest Scrap Award. I'm not really ready to go through the whole procedure again just yet!!! My spontaneous reaction would be to give this award to pretty much the same bunch of people who got the last one, and I think that possibly might be a bit overwhelming for you, too.
For now, therefore (although the rules said pass it on to six people), I will just officially give the Over The Top Award to Rae at Us in Tejas, who gave me that other one. This not just as retaliation but because she's a clever writer who really knows how to make excellent use of "over-the-top"...
I will however also answer the Over-the-Top List of Nosey Questions, since the answers are supposed to be one word only. With just a little bit of cheating (hyphens), I think I can manage that.
1. Where is your cell phone? Handbag
2. Your hair? In-need-of-haircut
3. Your mother? Dead
4. Your father? Unwell
5. Your favorite food? Served
6. Your dream last night? None
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? Live-learn-love
9. What room are you in? Study
10. Your hobby? Blogging
11. Your fear? Fear
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
13. Where were you last night? Bed
14. Something that you aren't? Stupid
15. Muffins? Please!
16. Wish list item? Zoom...
17. Where did you grow up? Sweden
18. Last thing you did? Answered-a-question
19. What are you wearing? Comfortable
20. Your TV? 28”
21. Your pets? None
22. Friends? Several
23. Your life? Restricted
24. Your mood? Mixed
25. Missing someone? Yes
26. Vehicle? None
27. Something you're not wearing? High heels
28. Your favorite store? Within-walking-distance
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When was the last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Yesterday
32. Your best friend? Away
33. One place that you go to over and over? Park
34. One person who emails you regularly? Yes
35. Favorite place to eat? Home

Great Answers....
This post CRACKED ME UP! Thanks for an award! I am honored, especially considering your aversion to "conferring" stipulations.
I'll get right to work.
Love the way you cheated by using hyphens! Funnily enough I got the same award from someone else and immediately thought of passing it on to you - too late!
Thank you for the thought John... And good thing then, probably, that I did not pass this one on to you... or it would all have been a bit too much over-the-top...!
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