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Beyond the Lone Islands

Friday 11 December 2009

I Wasn't Invited...

... to the Nobel Prize Ceremonies in Stockholm yesterday.
(Picture copied from some news page on the internet.)

Therefore, there are lots of better places on the internet to read about that than this blog! (For example here.) I bet you probably got at least flashes of it in your own TV news, too. I had my TV on and watched glimpses of the banquet and ceremonies, but the only part I gave full attention was when the winner of the Literature Prize, Herta Müller, gave her speech. I never read any of her books. I have to confess that most of  the winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature through the years I never even heard of before they won the prize. And the only ones I can actually recall reading before they were awarded the prize are Günter Grass (1999) and Doris Lessing (2007).


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