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Beyond the Lone Islands

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Annual Book Sale

The last week in February means start of the annual nation-wide Book Sale in Sweden, as far back as I can remember. It is not quite what it used to be - the last chance to get cheap left-over copies of books that were going out of print. These days, cheap editions of some books are even printed especially for the sale. But it's still an Event for all booklovers. And a Temptation...

However, I'm not all that fond of crowds and queueing (I wonder if there's any chance I got the spelling of that word right...), and that sometimes keeps me from venturing into the bookshop on the first day of the sale. Besides, my bookcases are all full...

Nevertheless, I found myself joining the crowd (and queueing) again this year, even though I wasn't really looking for any particular book. And now I have to make room in my bookcases for three more books on mythology, and one about dreams. As if I didn't have any of those before...

But who can resist titles like these? (Not I, obviously...!)
(All books in Swedish, the titles translated into English by me.)

  • World Religions (seems to contain readable summaries of the Big Ones... and pictures)
  • Gods and Goddesses in Classical Mythology (very neat, with charts and pictures...)
  • Classical Symbols, an Encyclopedia (lots of useful trivia, and again, pictures...)
  • Dragons and Demons of our Dreams (fascinating/scary cover picture, and the book was really, really cheap...)

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